Underemployment is highest in the accommodation and food services industry and second highest in retail trade: Underemployment and overemployment rate by industry, May 2014

Industry Underemployment Overemployment
Agriculture/forestry/fishing/hunting 27.1% 5.3%
Mining/quarrying/extraction 18.2% 10.8%
Utilities 35.5% 0.0%
Construction 39.2% 2.4%
Manufacturing 30.9% 7.4%
Wholesale trade 22.9% 3.3%
Retail trade 44.0% 2.3%
Transportation/warehousing 24.6% 7.4%
Information 27.7% 4.9%
Finance and insurance 31.0% 6.7%
Real estate/rental/leasing 13.4% 3.6%
Professional/scientific/technical 28.0% 8.0%
Mgmt of co.’s/enterprises 31.4% 3.9%
Admin/support/waste mgmt 41.0% 7.5%
Educational services 28.5% 4.9%
Healthcare/social assist. 33.5% 6.0%
Arts/entertainment/recreation 20.2% 0.9%
Accommodation/food srvcs 47.3% 2.5%
Other services (nonprofits) 39.1% 1.9%
Public administration 34.4% 1.9%
Armed forces 38.0% 6.3%

Note: SHED survey, May 2014 (n = 2,846), percentage of workers who indicate they are underemployed (prefer to “work more hours for more money”) and overemployed (prefer to “work fewer hours for less money”) when asked, “If you were paid the same hourly rate regardless of the number of hours you work, would you prefer…?”

Source: SHED survey, May 2014

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