Women of every race and ethnicity make less than their male counterparts: Women's hourly wages as a percentage of men's hourly wages of the same race, by wages percentile, 2015

Within Race Gender Wage Gap Asian Hispanic Black White
10th percentile 91.6%  8.4% 90.8%  9.2% 95.6%  4.4% 89.9%  10.1%
50th percentile 75.9%  24.1% 83.7%  16.3% 92.0%  8.0% 81.0%  19.0%
95th percentile 60.1%  39.9% 86.5%  13.5% 94.8%  5.2% 58.7%  41.3%

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey microdata

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