EPI and Fordam measures of union strength are highly correlated: Relationship between collective bargaining coverage rate and Fordham Institute's (inverse) ranking of union strength

State cbcrate  ustrength 
AL 64.2 32
AK 91.2 37
AZ 47.0 1
AR 28.4 4
CA 89.1 46
CO 66.8 17
CT 89.6 35
DE 79.5 33
DC 68.0 19
FL 57.4 2
GA 31.3 7
HI 87.6 51
ID 57.0 16
IL 89.4 44
IN 80.5 21
IA 78.1 25
KS 69.6 20
KY 56.2 24
LA 35.4 10
ME 86.6 30
MD 81.7 29
MA 94.6 31
MI 91.9 36
MN 90.5 38
MS 29.8 6
MO 54.1 14
MT 85.5 49
NE 73.4 26
NV 70.0 27
NH 84.5 22
NJ 89.5 45
NM 55.4 15
NY 92.5 43
NC 23.8 12
ND 69.3 28
OH 85.7 40
OK 49.7 9
OR 91.2 50
PA 91.1 48
RI 92.4 47
SC 26.9 3
SD 43.5 18
TN 43.1 11
TX 41.2 8
UT 56.5 13
VT 87.6 41
VA 36.0 5
WA 86.3 42
WV 65.2 39
WI 86.1 34
WY 42.6 23

Source: Union strength rankings are from the Fordham Institute (Winkler, Scull, and Zeehandelaar 2012) and collective bargaining data are from EPI's analysis of Current Population Survey data

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