Appendix Table 2 - Track 1, Tier 2

Criteria Points
Employment Experience (no more than 20 points total) Each year of lawful employment in the U.S. 2/year
Special Employment Criteria Employed full-time in the U.S. or has a job offer for full-time employment in:

  • a high demand Tier 2 occupation (“high demand Tier 2 occupation” means 1 of the 5 occupations for which highest number of positions were sought  to become registered positions by employers under the new W visa during the previous fiscal year); or
  • An O*NET Job Zone 1, Zone 2, or Zone 3 occupation
Caregiver Is currently or has been a primary caregiver 10
Exceptional Employment Record Factors include promotions, longevity, changes in occupations from lower to higher job zone, having participated in safety training, and pay increases 10
Civic Involvement Demonstrated significant civic involvement 2
English English proficiency, as determined by a standardized test designated by Secretary of Education 10
English knowledge, as a determined by a standardized test designated by Secretary of Education 5
Family of a U.S. Citizen  Sibling or married son or daughter over 31 years of age 10
Age Between 18-24 years old 8
Between 25-32 years old 6
Between 33-37 years old 4
Country of Origin National of a country with fewer than 50,000 nationals admitted to LPR status in previous 5 years 5
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