Employer-to-employer (EE) switching in downturns and recoveries


Year: quarter Unemployment rate Unemployment level (millions) Employment-to-employment annualized rate** Employment-to-employment switches (millions)
1995:4 5.6% 7.4 34.2% 42.8
2000:4 3.9% 5.6 33.0% 45.3
2003:2 6.2% 9.0 27.4% 37.7
2007:2 4.5% 6.9 29.6% 43.2
2009:4 9.9% 15.2 25.1% 34.7
2019:4 3.6% 5.9 28.8% 45.7
Changes in downturns and recoveries *
1995:4–2000:4 -1.7% -1.8 -1.1% 2.6
2000:4–2003:2 2.3% 3.4 -5.6% -7.6
2003:2–2007:2 -1.7% -2.2 2.2% 5.4
2007:2–2009:4 5.4% 8.4 -4.5% -8.5
2009:4–2019:4 -6.3% -9.3 3.8% 11.0

* Based on unemployment rate peaks and troughs. Employment switches evaluated at end date employment level.

** Seasonally adjusted quarterly average based on monthly rates, multiplied by 12 to annualize.

Source: Employer switching data from Fujita, Moscarini, and Postel-Vinay (2021), unemployment data from Bureau of Labor Statistics.

View the underlying data on epi.org.