Black homeownership rate still lags nearly 30 percentage points behind white homeownership rate: Homeownership rates by race and ethnicity, 1994–2021

All White Black Hispanic AAPI Other
1994 64% 70% 42% 41% 48%
1995 65% 70% 42% 42% 47%
1996 65% 72% 44% 43% 51%
1997 66% 72% 45% 43% 53%
1998 66% 73% 46% 45% 53%
1999 67% 73% 46% 46% 54%
2000 67% 74% 47% 46% 54%
2001 68% 74% 48% 47% 54%
2002 68% 75% 47% 47% 55%
2003 68% 75% 48% 47% 56%
2004 69% 76% 49% 48% 59%
2005 69% 76% 48% 50% 59%
2006 69% 76% 48% 50% 60%
2007 68% 75% 47% 50% 59%
2008 68% 75% 47% 49% 58%
2009 67% 75% 46% 48% 58%
2010 67% 74% 45% 48% 57%
2011 66% 74% 45% 47% 56%
2012 66% 74% 44% 46% 55%
2013 65% 73% 43% 46% 55%
2014 65% 73% 43% 45% 55%
2015 64% 72% 42% 46% 54%
2016 63% 72% 42% 46% 55% 53%
2017 64% 72% 42% 46% 57% 55%
2018 64% 73% 42% 47% 58% 56%
2019 65% 73% 42% 47% 58% 55%
2020 67% 75% 45% 50% 60% 57%
2021 66% 74% 45% 48% 60% 57%

Notes: AAPI refers to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, Black non-Hispanic, AAPI non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race). “Other” includes AAPI in years in which AAPI data are not available.

Source: Economic Policy Institute analysis of Current Population Survey Housing Vacancy Survey.

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