Weak link between monetary policy and home prices between 2001 and 2006: Relationship between change in home prices and tightness of monetary policy in select countries

Index of monetary policy tightness Cumulative real home price appreciation, 2001–2006
Australia -0.75 36.87
Austria -1.45 -3.3
Belgium -1.73 52.27
Canada -2.19 40.66
Switzerland -1.61 7.96
Denmark -1.54 54.7
Germany -0.7 -13.47
Spain -3.51 72.23
Finland 0.01 36.13
France -1.46 60.8
United Kingdom -0.07 54.9
Greece -4.05 27.07
Ireland -3.49 68.72
Italy -1.95 31.98
Japan -0.4 -20.16
Norway -0.26 32.63
Netherlands -1.34 11.13
New Zealand -0.1 69.92
Sweden -0.36 41.85
United States -2.45 27.91

Note: Monetary policy tightens moving left to right on the axis.

Source: Bernanke (2010)

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