Top 10 agricultural employers by number of employment law violations detected, fiscal years 2005–2019

Employer Number of investigations Number of violations Share of violations Total back wages owed Share of back wages owed Total civil money penalties (CMP) assessed Share of FLC CMPs assessed
Perdue Foods, Inc. 1 20,002 7.4% $0 0.0% $0 0.0%
George’s Processing, Incorporated 1 3,148 1.2% $1,582,914 2.5% $0 0.0%
Symms Fruit Farm, Inc. 1 3,001 1.1% $0 0.0% $0 0.0%
Sierra Cascade Nursery, Inc 2 2,706 1.0% $367,546 0.6% $722,414 1.4%
Global Horizons Inc. 9 1,778 0.7% $164,259 0.3% $0 0.0%
Urenda’s Farm and Forest Contractors, Inc. 2 1,645 0.6% $0 0.0% $2,789 0.0%
B & G Ditchen, LLC 1 1,625 0.6% $192,961 0.3% $14,511 0.0%
Blue Mountain Farms, LLC 1 1,590 0.6% $184,900 0.3% $0 0.0%
Western Range Association 13 1,574 0.6% $311,798 0.5% $142,775 0.3%
A. Oseguera Company, Inc 7 1,554 0.6% $353,951 0.6% $860,530 1.6%
Total (top 10 violators in ag) 38 38,623 14.4% $3,158,329 5.0% $1,743,019 3.3%
Total (all ag employers) 19,253 269,137 100.0% $62,653,976 100.0% $53,471,864 100.0%

Notes: Dollar amounts have been adjusted for inflation to 2019 constant dollar amounts using the CPI-U-RS. These figures were generated using the statistical software program Stata. The software code and source data files are available upon request.

Source: Authors' analysis of U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Compliance Action Data  (U.S. DOL-WHD 2020f).

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