Share of wage and hour violations and share of employment by commodity and farm labor contractors in Florida, fiscal years 2005–2019

North American Industry Classification Code Violations Share of violations Average QCEW employment (2019) Share of employment Ratio: violations/employment
1111 Grain Crops 318 0.83% 130 0.19% 429%
1112 Veg and Melon Crops 4,452 11.61% 10,888 16.18% 72%
1113 Fruit and Nut Crops 11,356 29.62% 6,223 9.25% 320%
1114 Nursery Crops 193 0.50% 23,715 35.25% 1%
1119 Other Crops 635 1.66% 3,546 5.27% 31%
1121 Cattle 31 0.08% 2,987 4.44% 2%
1122 Hogs and Pigs 0 0.00% 56 0.08% 0%
1123 Poultry and Eggs 16 0.04% 798 1.19% 4%
1124 Sheep and Goats 5 0.01% 8 0.01% 110%
1125 Aquaculture 60 0.16% 564 0.84% 19%
1129 Other Animal 27 0.07% 1,371 2.04% 3%
1131 Timber Tract 29 0.08% 216 0.32% 24%
1132 Forest Nursery 243 0.63% 264 0.39% 162%
1133 Logging 75 0.20% 1,831 2.72% 7%
1141 Fishing 11 0.03% 334 0.50% 6%
1142 Hunting and Trapping 0 0.00% 100 0.15% 0%
1151 Crop Support 20,681 53.95% 12,113 18.00% 300%
1152 Animal Support 25 0.07% 1,636 2.43% 3%
1153 Forestry Support 179 0.47% 500 0.74% 63%
Total 38,336 100.00% 67,280 100.00% 100%
115115 Farm Labor Contactors 19,229 50.16% 3,853 5.73% 876%
115115 Farm Labor Contractors + H-2A FLC 19,229 50.16% 16,353 24.30% 118%

Note: The last row, Farm Labor Contractors + H-2A FLCs, assumes that Florida FLCs employ an annual average of 12,500 H-2A workers (see text), and adds them to the non-H-2A FLC employment of 3,853 in the previous row.

Source: Authors' analysis of U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Compliance Action Data  (U.S. DOL-WHD 2020f) and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data for North American Industry Classification System code 11, agriculture, in 2018 (BLS-QCEW 2020a).

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