Employer violations detected in California by the Wage and Hour Division among all agricultural employers and farm labor contractors, fiscal years 2005–2019

Year Violations by all agricultural employers Violations by farm labor contractors
2005 1,233 972
2006 4,166 918
2007 1,931 1,189
2008 2,911 1,469
2009 2,202 1,645
2010 1,577 363
2011 2,909 1,949
2012 4,589 1,556
2013 5,420 3,348
2014 3,079 1,302
2015 2,181 947
2016 2,113 1,490
2017 1,902 570
2018 2,794 733
2019 315 240

Note: Violations by California farm labor contractor are a subset of employment law violations detected among all agricultural employers in California.

Source: Authors' analysis of U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Compliance Action Data  (U.S. DOL-WHD 2020f).

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