Average number of employment law violations detected by the Wage and Hour Division per investigation that discovered violations among farm labor contractors, by state, fiscal years 2005–2019

State Average farm labor contractor violations per investigation
Alabama 46.0
Alaska NA
Arizona 67.8
Arkansas 31.1
California 25.9
Colorado 43.0
Connecticut 2.0
Delaware NA
Washington D.C. NA
Florida 16.2
Georgia 19.3
Hawaii NA
Idaho 24.1
Illinois 3.0
Indiana 11.6
Iowa 167.0
Kansas 25.2
Kentucky 5.8
Louisiana 3.7
Maine 10.5
Maryland 3.0
Massachusetts 2.0
Michigan 9.7
Minnesota 8.0
Mississippi 10.2
Missouri 10.0
Montana NA
Nebraska 29.9
Nevada NA
New Hampshire NA
New Jersey 11.3
New Mexico 4.7
New York 2.1
North Carolina 8.5
North Dakota NA
Ohio 3.7
Oklahoma 8.6
Oregon 59.7
Pennsylvania 29.4
Rhode Island NA
South Carolina 9.3
South Dakota 22.0
Tennessee 13.2
Texas 8.1
Utah NA
Vermont NA
Virginia 2.3
Washington 47.6
West Virginia NA
Wisconsin 3.0
Wyoming NA

Note: Major farm employment states are California, Texas, Florida, Washington, and North Carolina.

Source: Authors' analysis of U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Compliance Action Data  (U.S. DOL-WHD 2020f).

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