Real median earnings of full-time, full-year black workers and white workers, by gender, 2000–2017
Year | White men | White women | Black men | Black women |
2000 | $58,879 | 42,591 | 42,967 | 35,813 |
2001 | 57,850 | 42,750 | 43,513 | 36,912 |
2002 | 58,041 | 42,907 | 42,928 | 36,731 |
2003 | 59,797 | 42,828 | 43,076 | 36,027 |
2004 | 59,244 | 42,313 | 40,703 | 36,079 |
2005 | 58,431 | 42,925 | 41,620 | 37,336 |
2006 | 59,013 | 43,552 | 42,377 | 36,992 |
2007 | 59,649 | 43,549 | 42,746 | 36,751 |
2008 | 58,486 | 42,673 | 42,583 | 35,939 |
2009 | 58,874 | 44,132 | 42,944 | 36,448 |
2010 | 58,544 | 45,392 | 41,513 | 36,396 |
2011 | 57,146 | 44,057 | 43,127 | 36,593 |
2012 | 56,193 | 43,761 | 41,197 | 36,244 |
2013 | 57,250 | 43,549 | 42,160 | 35,069 |
2014 | 57,493 | 43,347 | 42,204 | 34,756 |
2015 | 59,188 | 44,556 | 42,530 | 37,459 |
2016 | 59,171 | 46,725 | 42,181 | 37,006 |
2017 | 60,388 | 46,513 | 42,076 | 36,735 |
Notes: Earnings are wage and salary income. White refers to non-Hispanic whites; black refers to blacks alone. Because a redesign of the CPS ASEC in 2013 did not directly affect earnings, the data for 2013 are an average of the new and old series. Shaded areas denote recessions.
Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) Historical Income Tables (Table P-38)