Even when controlling for demographics and education, domestic workers are more likely to live below the poverty line than similar workers: Percentage-point difference between the poverty rate of domestic workers and that of demographically similar workers in other occupations, 2018

Poverty rate ppt. difference
Domestic workers 8.5
House cleaners 14.0
Nannies 10.8
Child care (in own home) 6.4
Home care (non-agency) 7.1
Home care (agency-based) 7.0
Domestic workers 17.8
House cleaners 19.5
Nannies 11.1
Child care (in own home) 9.8
Home care (non-agency) 13.6
Home care (agency-based) 19.9

Notes: All poverty rate differences are significantly different from zero at the 0.01 level. The regressions control for gender, nativity, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, age, marital status, and census geographical division. The “twice-poverty rate” is the share of workers whose family income is below twice the official poverty line, and is often considered a better cutoff for whether a family is able to make ends meet. To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this figure draws from pooled 2016–2018 microdata.

Source: Economic Policy Institute (EPI) analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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