Domestic workers are more likely to work part time and more than twice as likely to work part time because they can't get full-time hours: Share of workers who work full and part time, for domestic workers, for all other workers, and by domestic worker occupation, 2019

Full-time Part-time for economic reasons (i.e., want full-time work) Part-time for noneconomic reasons
Domestic workers 54.8% 9.7% 35.6%
All other workers 77.3% 4.0% 18.7%
House cleaners 37.0% 15.0% 47.9%
Nannies 52.3% 7.4% 40.3%
Child care (in own home) 67.4% 6.2% 26.4%
Home care (non-agency) 51.7% 9.3% 39.0%
Home care (agency-based) 57.6% 9.4% 33.0%

Notes: “Part-time” is defined as usually working less than 35 hours per week on the primary job. Those who say they are working part time because they could only find part-time work or because of slack work or business conditions are categorized by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as part-timers “for economic reasons” and often described as workers who would prefer to work full time. The “part-time for noneconomic reasons” category includes workers who say they work part time to take care of their children or for other family and personal reasons; while they may prefer to work full time if, say, they could afford child care, they are not included in the standard count of part-timers who want full-time work. To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this figure draws from pooled 2017–2019 microdata.

Source: Economic Policy Institute (EPI) analysis of Current Population Survey basic monthly microdata, EPI Current Population Survey Extracts, Version 1.0.2 (2020),

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