Employment counts and shares of workers in the District of Columbia for all workers, all tipped workers, and servers and bartenders

Estimated workforce Share of total workforce Share of tipped workers
All D.C. workers 812,100 100.0% n/a
All tipped workers 16,100 2.0% 100.0%
Servers and bartenders 10,500 1.3% 65.5%
Tipped workers, excluding servers and bartenders 5,600 0.7% 34.5%

Notes: Data are for workers whose place of work is in the District of Columbia. “Tipped workers” includes workers in tipped occupations listed in Appendix Table A1. “Servers and bartenders” includes waiters, waitresses, and bartenders, a subset of all tipped workers.

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, pooled years 2012–2016 (Ruggles et al. 2018)

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