White tipped workers in D.C. are paid more than tipped workers of color

Median hourly wages of District of Columbia tipped workers, by race/ethnicity (2017 dollars)

 Race/ethnicity Median hourly wage
White $16.40
Black $12.68
Hispanic $13.46
Asian or other race/ethnicity $15.22

Median annual wage income of District of Columbia tipped workers, by race/ethnicity (2017 dollars)

 Race/ethnicity Median annual income
White $27,810
Black $21,393
Hispanic $24,832
Asian or other race/ethnicity $22,763

Notes: Wages and annual wage income include both base wages and tips. Data are for tipped workers whose place of work is in the District of Columbia. Hispanic workers include Hispanics of any race, and the race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic white). Tipped occupations are listed in Appendix Table A1.

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, pooled years 2012–2016 (Ruggles et al. 2018)

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