Median wages, incomes, and poverty rates of all workers, tipped workers, and nontipped workers in the District of Columbia, San Francisco, and King County, Washington


District of Columbia San Francisco San Francisco relative to D.C. King County, Wash. King County, Wash., relative to D.C.
Hourly wages (2017 dollars)
Overall workforce $31.96 $28.57 89% $24.51 77%
Nontipped workers $32.45 $29.50 91% $24.79 76%
Tipped workers $14.41 $15.50 108% $15.12 105%
Relative to overall workforce 45% 54% 62%
Relative to nontipped workers 44% 53% 61%
Servers & bartenders $14.24 $17.16 121% $15.22 107%
Relative to overall workforce 45% 60% 62%
Relative to nontipped workers 44% 58% 61%
Annual wage income (2017 dollars)
Overall workforce $67,387 $57,971 86% $49,032 73%
Nontipped workers $69,462 $60,269 87% $50,593 73%
Tipped workers $23,798 $25,538 107% $22,763 96%
Relative to overall workforce 35% 44% 46%
Relative to nontipped workers 34% 42% 45%
Servers & bartenders $22,763 $28,880 127% $21,393 94%
Relative to overall workforce 34% 50% 44%
Relative to nontipped workers 33% 48% 42%
Poverty rate
Overall workforce 4.7% 7.1% 1.51 6.2% 1.31
Nontipped workers 4.5% 6.9% 1.52 6.0% 1.32
Tipped workers 13.7% 14.5% 1.06 13.0% 0.95
Relative to overall workforce 2.9 2.0 2.1
Relative to nontipped workers 3.0 2.1 2.2
Servers & bartenders 13.9% 14.8% 1.06 14.4% 1.04
Relative to overall workforce 2.9 2.1 2.3
Relative to nontipped workers 3.1 2.1 2.4

Note: Hourly and annual wages include both base wages and tips.

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, pooled years 2012–2016 (Ruggles et al. 2018)

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