Wages, incomes, poverty rates, and average weekly hours of all workers, all tipped workers, and servers and bartenders in the District of Columbia

Median hourly wage (2017$) Median annual wage income (2017$) Poverty rate Average weekly work hours Average annual work hours
All D.C. workers $31.96 $67,387 4.7% 41.5 2,075
Nontipped workers $32.45 $69,462 4.5% 41.6 2,083
All tipped workers $14.41 $23,798 13.7% 35.8 1,694
Servers & bartenders $14.24 $22,763 13.9% 35.7 1,668

Notes: Data are for workers whose place of work is in the District of Columbia. Tipped occupations are listed in Appendix Table A1. Wage and annual wage income values for tipped workers include both base wages and tips.

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, pooled years 2012–2016 (Ruggles et al. 2018)

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