Many countries use work-sharing to help combat joblessness: Work-sharing levels as a share of total employment in the OECD countries (2009)

Country Work-sharing as a share of employment
Belgium 5.6%
Turkey 4.0%
Italy 3.3%
Germany 3.2%
Luxembourg 2.8%
Japan 2.7%
Finland 1.7%
Czech Republic 1.5%
Switzerland 1.1%
Ireland 1.1%
Spain 1.0%
France 0.9%
Slovak Republic 0.8%
Netherlands 0.8%
Austria 0.7%
Hungary 0.7%
Norway 0.6%
Korea 0.5%
Denmark 0.4%
Canada 0.3%
USA 0.2%
New Zealand 0.2%
Portugal 0.1%
Poland 0.0%
UK* 0.0%
Sweden* 0.0%
Iceland* 0.0%
Greece* 0.0%
Australia* 0.0%

Note: No program in Australia, Greece, Iceland, Sweden, and the UK in 2009.

Source: Cahuc, P., and S. Carcillo. “Is Short-Time Work a Good Method to Keep Unemployment down?”

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