CPC FY2018 budget vs. current law (in billions of dollars)

Actual, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018–2022 2018–2027
Individual income taxes 0 0 131 272 292 310 331 350 374 399 425 456 1,336 3,339
Payroll taxes 0 0 5 26 29 32 38 43 47 52 58 65 130 395
Corporate income taxes 0 0 267 274 217 231 246 171 96 103 113 123 1,235 1,842
Other 0 0 90 322 335 347 361 372 381 389 396 402 1,454 3,393
Total 0 0 493 894 872 920 976 935 897 943 992 1,046 4,156 8,969
On-budget 0 0 488 868 844 888 938 893 850 891 934 981 4,025 8,574
Off-budgeta 0 0 5 26 29 32 38 43 47 52 58 65 130 395
Mandatory 0 175 561 441 444 403 430 429 456 491 487 511 2,279 4,652
Discretionary 0 79 9 9 21 49 74 95 114 129 141 153 163 795
Net interest 0 2 3 1 -8 -20 -36 -52 -66 -79 -93 -109 -60 -460
Total 0 255 574 451 458 431 468 472 504 540 535 555 2,382 4,987
On-budget 0 255 574 450 457 431 468 471 502 538 532 553 2,371 4,976
Off-budgeta 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 11 11
Deficit (-) or surplus 0 -255 -81 444 415 488 508 463 393 403 457 491 1,774 3,981
On-budget 0 -255 -85 417 386 457 471 422 348 353 402 428 1,646 3,599
Off-budgeta 0 0 4 26 28 32 37 41 45 50 55 63 128 382
Debt held by the public 0 255 336 -108 -522 -1,011 -1,519 -1,982 -2,375 -2,778 -3,235 -3,726 n.a. n.a.

a. The revenues and outlays of the Social Security trust funds and the net cash flow of the Postal Service are classified as off-budget.

Note: Figures are for fiscal years.

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