CPC FY2017 budget vs. current law (in billions of dollars)

Actual, 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2017–2021 2017–2026
Individual income taxes 0 -21 174 315 334 358 383 410 436 467 499 532 1,564 3,907
Payroll taxes 0 0 2 24 26 29 32 38 42 46 52 58 113 349
Corporate income taxes 0 0 104 111 115 119 124 130 136 141 148 154 574 1,283
Other 0 0 187 277 298 315 332 350 362 374 386 397 1,410 3,278
Total 0 -21 467 728 773 821 872 928 975 1,028 1,084 1,142 3,661 8,818
On-budget 0 -21 465 704 747 792 840 890 933 982 1,032 1,084 3,548 8,468
Off-budget* 0 0 2 24 26 29 32 38 42 46 52 58 113 349
Mandatory 0 278 371 278 286 294 306 323 337 354 379 371 1,534 3,298
Discretionary 0 1 -51 -9 22 51 83 104 122 142 160 175 96 799
Net interest 0 1 3 -5 -20 -36 -55 -74 -95 -117 -141 -166 -113 -706
Total 0 280 323 264 288 309 333 352 364 379 398 380 1,516 3,391
On-budget 0 280 323 264 288 308 333 352 364 378 397 378 1,516 3,384
Off-budget* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 7
Deficit (-) or surplus 0 -301 144 464 485 513 539 575 611 649 686 761 2,145 5,427
On-budget 0 -301 142 440 459 484 507 538 569 604 635 706 2,032 5,084
Off-budget* 0 0 2 24 26 28 32 37 42 45 50 56 112 343
Debt held by the public 0 301 157 -307 -792 -1,305 -1,843 -2,419 -3,029 -3,679 -4,364 -5,126 n.a. n.a.

* The revenues and outlays of the Social Security trust funds and the net cash flow of the Postal Service are classified as off-budget.

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