CPC FY2017 budget totals (in billions of dollars)

Actual, 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2017–2021 2017–2026
Individual income taxes 1,541 1,600 1,913 2,142 2,236 2,345 2,467 2,595 2,728 2,873 3,027 3,189 11,103 25,515
Payroll taxes 1,065 1,101 1,145 1,207 1,248 1,293 1,346 1,402 1,459 1,517 1,583 1,651 6,239 13,852
Corporate income taxes 344 327 453 465 473 510 515 527 538 552 569 588 2,416 5,190
Other 299 327 467 549 562 589 619 647 671 696 722 748 2,786 6,271
Total 3,249 3,354 3,978 4,362 4,520 4,738 4,947 5,171 5,396 5,638 5,901 6,177 22,544 50,828
On-budget 2,478 2,559 3,147 3,478 3,606 3,792 3,966 4,150 4,333 4,534 4,752 4,979 17,989 40,737
Off-budget* 770 796 831 884 914 946 981 1,022 1,062 1,104 1,150 1,197 4,555 10,091
Mandatory 2,299 2,744 2,929 2,911 3,111 3,275 3,449 3,698 3,837 3,976 4,254 4,513 15,674 35,952
Discretionary 1,165 1,199 1,155 1,194 1,244 1,299 1,356 1,411 1,454 1,500 1,556 1,604 6,249 13,774
Net interest 223 256 312 365 418 461 496 532 571 602 631 664 2,052 5,053
Total 3,687 4,199 4,395 4,469 4,773 5,035 5,301 5,640 5,862 6,078 6,442 6,781 23,974 54,779
On-budget 2,944 3,427 3,581 3,606 3,851 4,049 4,246 4,510 4,654 4,789 5,065 5,310 19,334 43,662
Off-budget* 743 772 814 863 922 986 1,055 1,130 1,208 1,289 1,377 1,471 4,640 11,116
Deficit (-) or surplus -439 -845 -417 -108 -253 -297 -354 -469 -467 -440 -540 -605 -1,430 -3,951
On-budget -466 -868 -434 -128 -245 -257 -280 -361 -321 -255 -313 -331 -1,345 -2,925
Off-budget* 27 23 17 21 -8 -40 -74 -108 -146 -185 -227 -274 -85 -1,026
Debt held by the public 13,117 14,279 14,770 14,936 15,241 15,581 15,970 16,472 16,974 17,450 18,034 18,691 n.a. n.a.
Gross domestic product 17,810 18,494 19,297 20,127 20,906 21,710 22,593 23,528 24,497 25,506 26,559 27,660 104,632 232,382

* The revenues and outlays of the Social Security trust funds and the net cash flow of the Postal Service are classified as off-budget.

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