Trump’s presidential proclamation aimed to cut green cards by 31%: Number of people applying from abroad who became U.S. lawful permanent residents in 2019 in the categories suspended by Trump’s April 2020 presidential proclamation

Immigrant class of admission, new arrivals only Number in 2019
Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens
Parents 66,782
Family-sponsored preferences
First: Unmarried sons/daughters of U.S. citizens and their children 20,866
Second: Spouses, children, and unmarried sons/daughters of alien residents; children of spouses of alien residents 85,089
Third: Married sons/daughters of U.S. citizens and their spouses and children 22,874
Fourth: Brothers/sisters of U.S. citizens (at least 21 years of age) and their spouses and children 56,083
Employment-based preferences
First: Priority workers, and their spouses and children 2,238
Second: Professionals with advanced degrees or aliens of exceptional ability, and their spouses and children 3,432
Third: Skilled workers, professionals, and unskilled workers, and their spouses and children 13,522
Fourth: Certain special immigrants, and their spouses and children 2,080
Diversity Immigrant Visa program 42,437
Children born abroad to alien residents 59
Other 356
Total in suspended categories 315,818
Total green cards issued, all categories 1,030,990
Suspended categories as a percentage of total green cards 31%

Notes: New arrivals represents applicants for lawful permanent resident status who are residing outside of the United States, usually in the country of origin. “Other” category primarily consists of those admitted under special legislation.

Source: Author’s analysis of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Fiscal Year 2019, Quarter 4, Table 1B.

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