Summary of impact of increasing the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 (in 2025), by state

State Total estimated state workforce (thousands) Directly affected (thousands) Share of state workforce directly affected Indirectly affected (thousands) Share of state workforce indirectly affected Total affected (thousands) Total share of state workforce affected State’s share of total affected nationally Change in total annual wages of state’s affected workers (2018$, thousands) Change in avg. annual earnings of state’s affected year-round affected workers (2018$) Real percent change in avg. annual earnings
National total 150,469 23,237 15.4% 10,222 6.8% 33,459 22.2% 100.0% $109,327,417 $3,300 13.3%
Alabama 2,016 565 28.0% 153 7.6% 717 35.6% 2.1% $2,880,374 $4,000 16.6%
Alaska 352 66 18.8% 19 5.4% 85 24.2% 0.3% $220,584 $2,600 9.2%
Arizona 3,020 149 4.9% 850 28.2% 999 33.1% 3.0% $830,454 $800 3.0%
Arkansas 1,246 360 28.9% 97 7.8% 457 36.7% 1.4% $1,017,352 $2,200 8.3%
California 19,073 5 0.0% 5 0.0% 9 0.0% 0.0% $15,863 $1,700 5.9%
Colorado 2,684 97 3.6% 621 23.1% 718 26.8% 2.1% $532,839 $700 2.7%
Connecticut 1,778 8 0.5% 44 2.5% 52 2.9% 0.2% $72,685 $1,400 5.1%
Delaware 436 102 23.5% 32 7.3% 134 30.8% 0.4% $438,661 $3,300 13.9%
District of Columbia 364 2 0.6% 9 2.3% 11 3.0% 0.0% $34,029 $3,100 9.3%
Florida 8,969 2,397 26.7% 712 7.9% 3,109 34.7% 9.3% $10,803,265 $3,500 14.0%
Georgia 4,564 1,197 26.2% 333 7.3% 1,530 33.5% 4.6% $6,381,944 $4,200 17.4%
Hawaii 729 174 23.9% 51 7.0% 225 30.9% 0.7% $561,361 $2,500 9.7%
Idaho 712 194 27.3% 54 7.6% 248 34.9% 0.7% $1,001,496 $4,000 17.0%
Illinois 6,164 52 0.8% 167 2.7% 219 3.6% 0.7% $467,096 $2,100 8.1%
Indiana 3,026 776 25.6% 240 7.9% 1,016 33.6% 3.0% $3,618,793 $3,600 15.3%
Iowa 1,525 386 25.3% 105 6.9% 491 32.2% 1.5% $1,619,966 $3,300 14.5%
Kansas 1,381 329 23.8% 119 8.6% 447 32.4% 1.3% $1,490,682 $3,300 13.7%
Kentucky 1,860 513 27.6% 139 7.5% 652 35.1% 1.9% $2,781,378 $4,300 18.0%
Louisiana 1,993 557 27.9% 163 8.2% 720 36.1% 2.2% $3,271,408 $4,500 18.7%
Maine 616 32 5.1% 160 26.0% 192 31.1% 0.6% $176,685 $900 3.5%
Maryland 3,056 24 0.8% 87 2.8% 111 3.6% 0.3% $324,647 $2,900 10.6%
Massachusetts 3,470 25 0.7% 90 2.6% 115 3.3% 0.3% $263,292 $2,300 8.6%
Michigan 4,375 1,001 22.9% 356 8.1% 1,357 31.0% 4.1% $3,547,310 $2,600 11.0%
Minnesota 2,777 333 12.0% 97 3.5% 430 15.5% 1.3% $733,545 $1,700 7.6%
Mississippi 1,204 378 31.4% 100 8.3% 478 39.7% 1.4% $2,176,212 $4,600 18.7%
Missouri 2,762 636 23.0% 210 7.6% 846 30.6% 2.5% $1,336,602 $1,600 6.3%
Montana 457 123 26.9% 33 7.2% 156 34.1% 0.5% $421,124 $2,700 11.6%
Nebraska 951 203 21.4% 95 9.9% 298 31.3% 0.9% $721,848 $2,400 10.0%
Nevada 1,396 393 28.2% 146 10.4% 539 38.6% 1.6% $1,050,316 $1,900 7.0%
New Hampshire 678 116 17.1% 43 6.4% 159 23.5% 0.5% $460,966 $2,900 13.3%
New Jersey 4,439 15 0.3% 139 3.1% 154 3.5% 0.5% $336,402 $2,200 7.7%
New Mexico 940 264 28.0% 88 9.3% 351 37.4% 1.0% $777,868 $2,200 8.5%
New York 9,535 135 1.4% 966 10.1% 1,101 11.5% 3.3% $902,245 $800 3.0%
North Carolina 4,496 1,192 26.5% 308 6.8% 1,500 33.4% 4.5% $6,204,993 $4,100 17.3%
North Dakota 380 72 19.0% 27 7.2% 100 26.2% 0.3% $299,781 $3,000 12.7%
Ohio 5,309 1,365 25.7% 370 7.0% 1,735 32.7% 5.2% $5,476,859 $3,200 13.4%
Oklahoma 1,724 427 24.8% 135 7.9% 563 32.6% 1.7% $2,355,164 $4,200 17.1%
Oregon 1,824 19 1.1% 270 14.8% 289 15.9% 0.9% $147,427 $500 1.8%
Pennsylvania 5,920 1,391 23.5% 449 7.6% 1,840 31.1% 5.5% $6,840,333 $3,700 16.4%
Rhode Island 518 87 16.8% 44 8.5% 131 25.3% 0.4% $278,357 $2,100 8.9%
South Carolina 2,140 502 23.5% 182 8.5% 684 32.0% 2.0% $2,772,993 $4,100 16.9%
South Dakota 414 98 23.6% 35 8.5% 133 32.0% 0.4% $323,404 $2,400 9.8%
Tennessee 2,933 766 26.1% 243 8.3% 1,009 34.4% 3.0% $3,949,924 $3,900 15.9%
Texas 13,345 3,543 26.6% 996 7.5% 4,539 34.0% 13.6% $19,553,032 $4,300 17.5%
Utah 1,369 354 25.8% 99 7.2% 453 33.1% 1.4% $1,451,431 $3,200 14.4%
Vermont 301 58 19.2% 22 7.4% 80 26.6% 0.2% $109,636 $1,400 5.4%
Virginia 4,058 863 21.3% 263 6.5% 1,126 27.7% 3.4% $4,261,538 $3,800 15.9%
Washington 3,360 3 0.1% 3 0.1% 6 0.2% 0.0% $10,222 $1,800 6.6%
West Virginia 717 185 25.8% 51 7.1% 236 32.9% 0.7% $784,426 $3,300 13.7%
Wisconsin 2,834 643 22.7% 186 6.6% 829 29.2% 2.5% $2,920,966 $3,500 16.2%
Wyoming 279 63 22.6% 19 6.7% 82 29.4% 0.2% $317,643 $3,900 16.2%

Notes: Values reflect the result of the proposed change in the federal minimum wage. Wage changes resulting from scheduled state and local minimum wage laws are accounted for by EPI’s Minimum Wage Simulation Model. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Shares calculated from unrounded values. Directly affected workers would see their wages rise as the new minimum wage rate will exceed their current hourly pay. Indirectly affected workers have a wage rate just above the new minimum wage (between the new minimum wage and 115 percent of the new minimum). They would receive a raise as employer pay scales are adjusted upward to reflect the new minimum wage.

Source: Economic Policy Institute Minimum Wage Simulation Model using data from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Congressional Budget Office. See David Cooper, Zane Mokhiber, and Ben Zipperer, Minimum Wage Simulation Model Technical Methodology, February 2019. Dollar values adjusted by projections for CPI-U in CBO 2019.

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