Demographic characteristics of workers affected by increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025


Group Total estimated workforce (thousands) Directly affected (thousands) Share of total directly affected Indirectly affected (thousands) Share of total indirectly affected Total affected (thousands) Share of total  affected Group’s share of total affected
All workers 150,469 23,237 15.4% 10,222 6.8% 33,459 22.2% 100.0%
Women 72,988 13,656 18.7% 5,851 8.0% 19,508 26.7% 58.3%
Men 77,481 9,581 12.4% 4,370 5.6% 13,951 18.0% 41.7%
Age 19 or younger 5,258 2,872 54.6% 486 9.2% 3,358 63.9% 10.0%
Age 20 or older 145,211 20,366 14.0% 9,736 6.7% 30,102 20.7% 90.0%
Ages 16–24 20,500 9,053 44.2% 2,322 11.3% 11,375 55.5% 34.0%
Ages 25–39 50,705 7,325 14.4% 3,824 7.5% 11,149 22.0% 33.3%
Ages 40–54 48,076 3,791 7.9% 2,423 5.0% 6,214 12.9% 18.6%
Age 55 or older 31,188 3,068 9.8% 1,653 5.3% 4,721 15.1% 14.1%
White 89,040 11,631 13.1% 5,749 6.5% 17,380 19.5% 51.9%
Black 17,784 4,448 25.0% 1,267 7.1% 5,715 32.1% 17.1%
Hispanic 29,595 5,648 19.1% 2,405 8.1% 8,053 27.2% 24.1%
Asian or other race/ethnicity 14,051 1,511 10.8% 801 5.7% 2,312 16.5% 6.9%
Men of color 31,715 5,063 16.0% 2,153 6.8% 7,217 22.8% 21.6%
Women of color 29,714 6,543 22.0% 2,320 7.8% 8,863 29.8% 26.5%
Family status
Married parent 38,042 3,007 7.9% 1,826 4.8% 4,833 12.7% 14.4%
Single parent 13,940 3,233 23.2% 1,329 9.5% 4,562 32.7% 13.6%
Married, no children 38,588 3,245 8.4% 1,931 5.0% 5,175 13.4% 15.5%
Unmarried, no children 59,899 13,753 23.0% 5,137 8.6% 18,889 31.5% 56.5%
Usual work hours
Part time (<20 hours) 8,690 2,786 32.1% 821 9.4% 3,607 41.5% 10.8%
Mid time (20–34 hours) 22,353 7,768 34.8% 2,436 10.9% 10,204 45.7% 30.5%
Full time (35+ hours) 119,426 12,683 10.6% 6,965 5.8% 19,648 16.5% 58.7%
Educational attainment
Less than high school 15,314 5,201 34.0% 1,483 9.7% 6,684 43.6% 20.0%
High school 37,401 8,537 22.8% 3,715 9.9% 12,252 32.8% 36.6%
Some college, no degree 35,005 7,043 20.1% 3,090 8.8% 10,132 28.9% 30.3%
Associate degree 13,569 1,455 10.7% 919 6.8% 2,374 17.5% 7.1%
Bachelor’s degree or higher 49,181 1,002 2.0% 1,015 2.1% 2,017 4.1% 6.0%
Family income
Less than $25,000 20,317 8,712 42.9% 2,628 12.9% 11,340 55.8% 33.9%
$25,000–$49,999 30,681 5,783 18.9% 3,216 10.5% 8,999 29.3% 26.9%
$50,000–$74,999 27,946 3,585 12.8% 1,840 6.6% 5,424 19.4% 16.2%
$75,000–$99,999 21,875 2,111 9.6% 1,069 4.9% 3,180 14.5% 9.5%
$100,000–$149,999 26,859 1,978 7.4% 949 3.5% 2,927 10.9% 8.7%
$150,000 or more 22,791 1,069 4.7% 520 2.3% 1,589 7.0% 4.7%
Family income-to-poverty ratio
At or below the poverty line 10,421 5,071 48.7% 1,166 11.2% 6,237 59.8% 18.6%
101–200% of poverty line 21,924 7,047 32.1% 2,939 13.4% 9,986 45.5% 29.8%
201–400% of poverty line 47,296 6,856 14.5% 3,932 8.3% 10,788 22.8% 32.2%
401% or above 69,885 3,793 5.4% 2,104 3.0% 5,897 8.4% 17.6%
Poverty status not available 943 471 49.9% 81 8.6% 552 58.5% 1.6%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting 2,463 453 18.4% 151 6.1% 604 24.5% 1.8%
Construction 8,311 841 10.1% 482 5.8% 1,322 15.9% 4.0%
Manufacturing 16,562 1,694 10.2% 822 5.0% 2,516 15.2% 7.5%
Wholesale trade 4,101 437 10.7% 203 4.9% 640 15.6% 1.9%
Retail trade 17,702 5,046 28.5% 1,497 8.5% 6,542 37.0% 19.6%
Transportation, warehousing, utilities 7,834 639 8.2% 347 4.4% 985 12.6% 2.9%
Information 3,207 213 6.6% 105 3.3% 318 9.9% 1.0%
Finance, insurance, real estate 9,587 540 5.6% 324 3.4% 864 9.0% 2.6%
Professional, scientific, management, technical services 9,307 313 3.4% 170 1.8% 483 5.2% 1.4%
Administrative, support, and waste management 6,037 1,353 22.4% 494 8.2% 1,846 30.6% 5.5%
Education 14,746 1,438 9.7% 606 4.1% 2,044 13.9% 6.1%
Healthcare 21,591 3,265 15.1% 1,279 5.9% 4,544 21.0% 13.6%
Arts, entertainment, recreational services 3,048 782 25.7% 360 11.8% 1,142 37.5% 3.4%
Accommodation 1,827 600 32.8% 255 14.0% 855 46.8% 2.6%
Restaurants and food service 10,405 4,141 39.8% 2,087 20.1% 6,227 59.8% 18.6%
Other services 6,088 1,200 19.7% 852 14.0% 2,052 33.7% 6.1%
Public administration 7,652 283 3.7% 190 2.5% 473 6.2% 1.4%
Tipped occupations
Nontipped workers 146,034 21,948 15.0% 7,828 5.4% 29,776 20.4% 89.0%
Tipped workers 4,436 1,290 29.1% 2,394 54.0% 3,684 83.0% 11.0%
For-profit 114,498 20,079 17.5% 8,749 7.6% 28,828 25.2% 86.2%
Government 22,777 1,684 7.4% 815 3.6% 2,499 11.0% 7.5%
Nonprofit 13,194 1,474 11.2% 658 5.0% 2,133 16.2% 6.4%

Notes: Values reflect the population likely to be affected by the proposed change in the federal minimum wage. Wage changes resulting from scheduled state and local minimum wage laws are accounted for by EPI’s Minimum Wage Simulation Model. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Shares calculated from unrounded values. Directly affected workers will see their wages rise as the new minimum wage rate will exceed their current hourly pay. Indirectly affected workers have a wage rate just above the new minimum wage (between the new minimum wage and 115 percent of the new minimum). They will receive a raise as employer pay scales are adjusted upward to reflect the new minimum wage. The last two columns show what share of the workforce subgroup is affected, and that subgroup's share of all affected workers. So for example, it shows that 26.7% of working women are affected, and that working women constitute 58.3% of all affected workers.

Source: Economic Policy Institute Minimum Wage Simulation Model using data from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Congressional Budget Office. See David Cooper, Zane Mokhiber, and Ben Zipperer, Minimum Wage Simulation Model Technical Methodology, February 2019.

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