Total nonfarm employment, United States, Alabama and nearby states, Sept. 2011--Aug. 2012

State Sept. 2011 Aug. 2012 Change Sept. 2011 to Aug. 2012 Percentage change
UNITED STATES  131,694,000  133,300,000 1,606,000 1.22%
Alabama      1,865,700      1,876,100 10,400 0.56%
Arkansas      1,154,700      1,167,700 13,000 1.13%
Florida      7,286,300      7,348,300 62,000 0.85%
Georgia      3,885,800      3,937,700 51,900 1.34%
Kentucky      1,793,700      1,831,200 37,500 2.09%
Louisiana      1,926,400      1,946,700 20,300 1.05%
Mississippi      1,092,400      1,081,500 -10,900 -1.00%
Tennessee      2,664,700      2,683,100  18,400  0.69%

Note: All figures are seasonally adjusted.

Source: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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