Among young high school grads, men and black workers have lower wages today than in 2000: Real hourly wages (2018$) of young high school graduates (ages 18–21) not enrolled in further schooling, by gender and race/ethnicity, 2000 and 2019

2000 2019
Women $11.00 $11.32
Men $12.74 $12.61
White $12.19 $12.29
Black $11.23 $10.92
Hispanic $11.49 $12.33
AAPI $12.50 $12.08

Notes: AAPI stands for Asian American/Pacific Islander. Average wages for 2000 and 2019 use pooled data from January 1998–December 2000 and March 2016–February 2019, respectively, adjusted for inflation to 2018 dollars.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau (EPI 2019)

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