Among young college grads, all gender and racial/ethnic groups face significantly higher underemployment rates today than in 2000: Underemployment by gender and race/ethnicity, 2000 and 2018

Year 2000 2018
Women 7.1% 11.2%
Men 7.6% 12.5%
White 7.0% 10.4%
Black 8.7% 16.2%
Hispanic 8.8% 14.2%
AAPI 8.2% 14.0%

Notes: AAPI stands for Asian American/Pacific Islander. Data for 2000 and 2018 use an average of January 1998–December 2000 and March 2015–February 2018, respectively.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey basic monthly microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau

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