CEO-to-top-0.1-percent and college-to-high-school ratios, 1979–2015

Ratio Log ratio
CEO compensation to: College wages to: CEO compensation to: College wages to:
Top 0.1% wage earners High school hourly wages Top 0.1% wage earners High school hourly wages
1979 3.26 1.40 1.183 0.336
1989 2.63 1.58 0.967 0.455
1993 3.05 1.63 1.115 0.488
2000 7.77 1.75 2.050 0.557
2007 4.36 1.76 1.474 0.568
2010 4.85 1.77 1.580 0.574
2013 5.73 1.82 1.745 0.598
2014 5.58 1.80 1.720 0.585
2015 5.33 1.83 1.673 0.602
1979–2007 1.10 0.36 0.29 0.23
1979–2015 2.06 0.43 0.49 0.27
1989–2015 2.95 0.25 0.71 0.15

Source: Authors’ analysis of data on top 0.1 percent wages from Mishel and Kroeger 2016 and extrapolation of Kaplan’s (2012b) CEO compensation series

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