Changes in real compensation by fifth and component, in thousands (2015$) 2014–2015

Real compensation Salary Bonus Stocks Options Long-term and incentive
Panel A: Among firms appearing in both years’ sample*
Annual averages
2014 $16,482 $1,254 $401 $5,612 $6,301 $2,916
2015 $15,947 $1,260 $367 $5,890 $5,603 $2,827
Dollar -$536 $7 -$34 $277 -$697 -$88
Percent -3.2% 0.5% -8.5% 4.9% -11.1% -3.0%
Panel B: Among all firms in each years’ sample
Annual averages
2014 $16,467 $1,256 $410 $6,014 $6,035 $2,753
2015 $15,502 $1,249 $372 $5,819 $5,235 $2,827
Dollar -$965 -$7 -$38 -$195 -$800 $74
Percent -5.9% -0.5% -9.2% -3.2% -13.3% 2.7%
Bottom $3,940 $921 $54 $1,695 $261 $1,010
Second 8,403 1,147 93 4,474 615 2,075
Middle 11,835 1,251 135 5,972 1,868 2,610
Fourth 17,739 1,384 621 7,939 4,418 3,377
Top 40,666 1,582 1,155 10,052 23,158 4,719
Bottom $3,940 $989 $59 $1,663 $78 $1,151
Second 8,072 1,141 86 4,121 574 2,151
Middle 10,979 1,257 67 6,417 619 2,619
Fourth 15,803 1,333 389 8,726 2,233 3,123
Top 38,718 1,527 1,258 8,170 22,671 5,092
Change, 2014–2015
Bottom $0 $935 -$202 $653 $78 $1,151
Second -331 1,048 -529 2,046 574 2,151
Middle -856 1,122 -1,801 3,807 619 2,619
Fourth -1,936 712 -4,029 5,349 2,233 3,123
Top -1,948 372 -21,900 3,451 22,671 5,092
Bottom 0.0% 7.4% 10.2% -1.9% -70.1% 13.9%
Second -3.9 -0.5 -7.2 -7.9 -6.6 3.7
Middle -7.2 0.5 -50.3 7.5 -66.9 0.3
Fourth -10.9 -3.7 -37.3 9.9 -49.5 -7.5
Top -4.8 -3.5 8.9 -18.7 -2.1 7.9

*Only firms for which company names were identical in both years were included.

**Firms were categorized into fifths according to real CEO compensation.

Source: Authors' analysis of data from Compustat's Execucomp database.

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