Lower top marginal tax rates are associated with higher CEO pay across countries: CEO pay and top marginal tax rates on labor income in 2012, selected OECD countries

Top marginal tax rate on labor income (%) Average CEO pay ($millions)
Australia 47.5 2.4
Belgium 59.447155 1.6
Canada 47.9696 3.1
France 54.838232 2.4
Germany 47.475 3.6
Ireland 52 2.4
Italy 47.2611 5.2
Netherlands 49.3428 2.4
Norway 47.8 1.7
Sweden 56.6 1.7
Switzerland 41.77789 6.1
UK 52 2.9
US 43.23 5.5

Note: Data on CEO pay from Fernandes et al. (2012). Top marginal tax rates from OECD (2023). 

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