Reading and mathematics scale scores, by grade, U.S. and six comparison countries, PISA 2009

Canada Finland Korea France Germany U.K. U.S.
Reading scale score
8th grade 395 494 380 420
9th grade 483 542 515 417 489 414
10th grade 532 540 545 551 452 506
11th grade 591 561 494 527
12th grade 545
Mathematics scale score
8th grade 410 500 381 430
9th grade 491 546 515 423 502 410
10th grade 533 548 543 570 451 493
11th grade 598 572 493 510
12th grade 540

Note: Bold and underlined numbers show the mean score for the modal grade for the PISA sample in each country.

Source: Authors' analysis of OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 database for each country

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