Social class distribution and average math scores, U.K. and its countries, compared with U.S., PISA 2006–2009 and TIMSS 2007

U.K. England Scotland U.S. (PISA) U.S. (TIMSS)
 Social class distribution (percent) Average score  Social class distribution (percent) Average score  Social class distribution (percent)  Average score  Social class distribution (percent) Average score  Social class distribution (percent) Average score
PISA  “2007” PISA  “2007” TIMSS 2007 TIMSS 2007 TIMSS 2007 TIMSS 2007 PISA  “2007” PISA  “2007” TIMSS 2007 TIMSS 2007
Group 1 (Lowest) 13 437 15 452 22 439 17 423 17 461
Group 2 15 453 21 485 24 469 16 445 20 482
Group 3 30 490 28 521 25 499 28 479 28 515
Group 4 18 514 18 536 14 527 18 504 17 538
Group 5/6 (Higher/highest) 24 548 18 568 15 540 20 535 18 546

Note: PISA "2007" is a weighted average of PISA 2006 and PISA 2009 data, where PISA 2006 has twice the weight of PISA 2009.

Source: Authors' analysis of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 database (Boston College International Study Center) and OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006 and 2009 databases

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