Share of eighth-grade mathematics students attending schools with a given concentration of poor students, by individual level of poverty, 1996, 2003, and 2013

Low- to high-poverty school as measured by low to high shares of students who are FRPL eligible
Individual level of poverty (free or reduced-price lunch eligibility) 0 to 10% 11 to 25% 26 to 50% 51 to 75% Over 75%
1996 Not FRPL eligible 24.3% 27.7% 27.1% 11.8% 9.1%
RPL eligible 7.0% 18.2% 32.7% 25.7% 16.3%
FL eligible 3.3% 10.8% 28.5% 28.2% 29.2%
All students 17.3% 22.4% 27.8% 17.3% 15.2%
2003 Not FRPL eligible 28.1% 27.6% 28.1% 12.5% 3.6%
RPL eligible 10.9% 15.7% 31.2% 27.3% 14.8%
FL eligible 3.0% 8.7% 23.4% 26.7% 38.2%
All students 19.2% 20.9% 26.9% 18.0% 15.0%
2013 Not FRPL eligible 17.2% 22.2% 34.8% 19.7% 6.1%
RPL eligible 4.6% 10.4% 30.3% 32.5% 22.1%
FL eligible 1.8% 5.5% 21.5% 31.7% 39.5%
All students 9.8% 14.2% 28.7% 25.7% 21.6%

Notes: In this analysis, we use the free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL) status classification for individual poverty, and the proportion of students who are FRPL eligible in the school for school poverty. Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-price lunch are not poor; students who are eligible for reduced-price lunch (RPL) are poor, and students who are eligible for free lunch (FL) are the most poor.

Source: EPI analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress microdata, 1996, 2003, and 2013

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