Socioeconomic mathematics test score gaps for eighth-graders, 1996–2013

Eligible for reduced-price lunch Eligible for free lunch
1996 -0.281 -0.530
2000 -0.276 -0.503
2003 -0.260 -0.460
2005 -0.267 -0.402
2007 -0.264 -0.421
2009 -0.259 -0.433
2011 -0.242 -0.421
2013 -0.296 -0.468

Notes: Coefficients of reduced-price lunch and free lunch in this graph are from regression estimates that, in addition to students’ free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL) status, include only students’ race/ethnicity, gender, and special education status.

Source: EPI analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress microdata, 1996–2013

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