Ohio jobs created by eliminating currency manipulation, by industry, 2014*

Industry Low impact** High impact** Shares of total***
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries  2,800  6,000 3.0%
Mining  3,100  6,500 3.2
Oil and gas  2,900  6,200 3.1
Minerals and ores  100  300 0.1
Utilities  400  800 0.4
Construction  1,100  2,300 1.2
Manufacturing  36,100  75,900 38.0
Non-durable  2,100  4,300 2.2
Food and kindred products  1,000  2,000 1.0
Beverage and tobacco products  100  300 0.1
Textiles and fabrics  100  200 0.1
Textile mill products  200  500 0.3
Apparel and accessories  400  900 0.4
Leather and allied products  200  500 0.2
Industrial supplies  6,500  13,600 6.8
Wood products  300  700 0.3
Paper  600  1,200 0.6
Printed matter and related products  400  900 0.5
Refined petroleum products  100  200 0.1
Chemicals  1,800  3,800 1.9
Plastics and rubber products  2,300  4,700 2.4
Nonmetallic mineral products  1,000  2,000 1.0
Durable goods  27,600  58,000 29.1
Primary metals  3,200  6,800 3.4
Fabricated metal products  3,000  6,300 3.2
Non-specified metal products  1,900  4,000 2.0
Machinery, except electrical  6,200  13,000 6.5
Computer and electronic parts  1,300  2,700 1.4
Computer and peripheral equipment  100  100 0.1
Communications, audio, and video equipment  400  800 0.4
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments  400  900 0.4
Semiconductor and other electronic components and storage media  500  1,000 0.5
Electrical equipment, appliances, and components  1,500  3,200 1.6
Transportation equipment  7,100  14,900 7.5
Motor vehicles and parts  6,500  13,600 6.8
Aerospace products and parts  600  1,200 0.6
Railroad, ship, and other transportation equipment  100  200 0.1
Furniture and fixtures  900  1,900 0.9
Miscellaneous manufactured commodities  2,500  5,200 2.6
Wholesale trade  3,400  7,100 3.6
Retail trade  6,300  13,200 6.6
Transportation and warehousing  3,200  6,600 3.3
Information  1,100  2,300 1.2
Finance and insurance  4,100  8,700 4.3
Real estate and rental  2,200  4,700 2.3
Professional, scientific, and technical services  4,700  9,900 4.9
Management of companies  2,800  6,000 3.0
Administrative and waste services  4,900  10,400 5.2
Educational services  1,300  2,700 1.3
Health and social services  7,400  15,600 7.8
Arts, entertainment, and recreation  1,200  2,500 1.2
Accommodation and food services  4,600  9,600 4.8
Other services  3,500  7,300 3.7
Government  800  1,600 0.8
 Total****  94,900  199,700 100.0

* This table estimates the effects of ending currency manipulation over three years, modeled as having started in 2011.
** The IMPLAN model used to calculate real-world effects of an estimated $190.5 billion (low impact) to $399.5 billion (high impact) increase in net exports adjusts for the fact that GDP growth from direct stimulus to net exports would boost consumer spending on imports, slightly offsetting the growth in exports. (See methodological appendix for further details on the IMPLAN model.)
*** State shares are constant across industries in both scenarios, but they differ from national shares due to differences in the industrial structures of Ohio and the United States (see text for further details).
**** Totals may vary slightly due to rounding.

Source: Authors' analysis of trade data from the U.S. International Trade Commission (2012), Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012a, 2012b), Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Employment Projections (2011), and IMPLAN model (MIG Inc. 2012)

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