Growth of real investment in information processing equipment, 1952–2010

Year Real investment in information processing equipment
1952 6%
1953 7%
1954 7%
1955 8%
1956 9%
1957 9%
1958 5%
1959 9%
1960 10%
1961 9%
1962 8%
1963 14%
1964 15%
1965 15%
1966 19%
1967 18%
1968 16%
1969 17%
1970 16%
1971 11%
1972 12%
1973 15%
1974 13%
1975 11%
1976 12%
1977 13%
1978 16%
1979 17%
1980 20%
1981 21%
1982 18%
1983 15%
1984 17%
1985 16%
1986 14%
1987 14%
1988 13%
1989 10%
1990 9%
1991 8%
1992 10%
1993 11%
1994 10%
1995 13%
1996 16%
1997 17%
1998 19%
1999 21%
2000 21%
2001 17%
2002 12%
2003 9%
2004 7%
2005 4%
2006 6%
2007 8%
2008 7%
2009 4%
2010 5%

Note: Real (inflation-adjusted) investment in information processing equipment is calculated in five-year averages.

Source: Author’s analysis of Bureau of Economic Analysis National Income and Product Accounts (Table 5.2.3)

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