Reductions in government transfers and tax credits due to a national $15 minimum wage in 2025, billions (2021$)

Methodology Major government transfers and tax credits SNAP and other major transfers EITC and CTC
Dube 2019b and EPI 2021 -$31.0 -$10.3 -$20.7
Dube 2019b and CBO 2019 -$15.5 -$5.2 -$10.3
Cooper 2016 and EPI 2021 -$13.4 -$7.0 -$6.5

Note: SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; EITC stands for earned income tax credit; CTC stands for child tax credit.

Sources: CBO 2019, Cooper 2016, Dube 2019b, EPI 2021.

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