U.S. loses over $100 billion a year in revenue to corporations shifting their profits offshore: Revenue loss due to corporate income shifting, as a share of GDP, 1983–2012

Year  Lost revenue as a share of GDP
1983 -0.103%
1984 -0.114%
1985 -0.083%
1986 -0.022%
1987 -0.014%
1988 -0.004%
1989 0.008%
1990 0.033%
1991 0.019%
1992 0.017%
1993 0.042%
1994 0.040%
1995 0.053%
1996 0.050%
1997 0.072%
1998 0.091%
1999 0.123%
2000 0.142%
2001 0.124%
2002 0.201%
2003 0.293%
2004 0.368%
2005 0.409%
2006 0.445%
2007 0.482%
2008 0.522%
2009 0.411%
2010 0.629%
2011 0.618%
2012 0.694% 

Source: ATF and EPI analysis of Clausing (2016, 24)

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