State abortion status and minimum wages: States categorized by minimum-wage rate and abortion status

Minimum wage Abortion-restricted Abortion-protected 
$7.25  18  2
$7.26 – $12 10
> $12 13

Notes: See Table 1 for state abortion status groupings. See Appendix Table 1 for list of state minimum wages. 

States are split into two categories: abortion-restricted and abortion-protected. The “abortion-restricted” category includes the three sub-categories from Figure A: states with some restrictions or abortions bans which have been blocked in court, states with extreme restrictions, and states where abortion is completely banned. The “abortion-protected” states include states where abortion is available or there are very few restrictions. 

Source: EPI, “Minimum Wage Tracker,” updated July 1, 2022; Figure A adapted from Guttmacher Institute, “US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe” (interactive map), updated October 16, 2022.

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