Linear regression coefficients for agricultural workers' earnings and compensation on legal status

Log of monthly earnings Log of adjusted compensation
Baseline model Full model Baseline model Full model
Legal status
 Unauthorized (reference)
 H-2A worker (1=yes) 0.124(0.105) 0.061(0.090) 0.212*(0.093) 0.150+ (0.078)
 LPR (1=yes) 0.346***(0.072) 0.259***(0.070) 0.346*** (0.072) 0.260***(0.070)
Human capital
 Years of education 0.019* (0.010) 0.020* (0.010)
 Age at most recent U.S. trip 0.015 (0.015) 0.013 (0.015)
 Centered age-squared >-0.001 (>0.001) >-0.001 (>0.001)
 No. of prior U.S. trips 0.008+(0.004) 0.008+(0.004)
 Duration of U.S. trip (in months) 0.003*(0.001) 0.003*(0.001)
 No English (1=yes) -0.357*(0.139) -0.357*(0.139)
 Limited English (1=yes) -0.313*(0.150) -0.312*(0.150)
 Strong English (reference)
U.S. trip controls
 Interviewed in U.S. 0.081(0.076) 0.079(0.076)
Work-related controls
 Worked in a border state (1=yes) -0.166*(0.076) -0.161*(0.076)
Intercept 7.116*** 6.909*** 7.115*** 6.946***
Adjusted R-squared 0.079 0.189 0.081 0.189
N 639 639 639 639

+ p < 0.10, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
a Models are weighted and standard errors adjusted for 143 Mexican community clusters, adj. standard errors are in parentheses, all models include three-year interval dummy controls.
b Indicates temporary workers’ statistically significant difference from legal permanent residents (p <.05).
c Indicates temporary workers’ statistically significant difference from legal permanent residents (p <.10).

Source: Mexican Migration Project 143; sample was limited to non-U.S. citizen, male heads of households who worked in agriculture during their most recent trip to the United States when above the age of 16, from 1987 to 2011.

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