Characteristics of male heads of households on control variables by immigrant legal status

All respondents Unauthorized workers Temporary workers Legal permanent residents
Mean StdD Mean StdD Mean StdD Mean StdD
Human capital
Years of education 6.5 3.8 6.7 3.9 7.5a,b 3.4 5.8c 3.8
Age at most recent U.S. trip 33.9 10.8 32.3 10.6 35.2a,b 10.5 38.0c 11.4
No. of prior U.S. trips 4.2 5.4 2.4 3 2.9a,b 2.7 9.0c 7.8
Duration of U.S. trip (in months) 25.2 32.5 26.2 54.2 17.7a,b 27.2 23.8 35.1
% responding “yes” StdD % responding “yes” StdD % responding “yes” StdD % responding “yes” StdD
English ability
None (1=yes) 28.9 32.7 27.1b 19.4c
Limited (1=yes) 63.9 62.4 68.6 67.0c
Strong (1=yes) 7.3 5 4.3b 13.7c
Social capital
Close family w/ U.S. exp. 55.4 48.2 30.0a,b 77.9c
Extended family w/ U.S. exp. 78.9 75.3 51.4a,b 92.7c
Close family in U.S. 54.8 51.8 37.9a,b 65.0c
Extended family in U.S. 75.4 72.3 51.4a,b 87.2c
Joined U.S. social org(s) 15.9 14.5 20 18.7c
Referred job 65.9 69.9 37.9a,b 60.7c
U.S. trip controls
Interviewed in the U.S. 14.5 10.6 10.0b 25.1c
Work-related controls
Worked in a border state (1=yes) 59.6 68.1 22.1a,b 69.7c
U.S. Occupation
Professional/skilled (1=yes) 28.7 33.3 22.1a 18.1c
Service/sales/office (1=yes) 21 26.3 23.8 19.1c
Unskilled manual (1=yes) 24.3 20.5 9.3a,b 24.0c
Agricultural (1=yes) 26 19.9 45.0a 38.7c
Total N 3,273 2,255 140 878

a Temporary worker versus unauthorized worker difference is significant using two-tailed t-tests (p<.05).
b Temporary worker versus legal permanent resident difference is significant using two-tailed t-tests (p<.05).
c Legal permanent resident versus unauthorized worker difference is significant using two-tailed t-tests (p<.05).

Source: Mexican Migration Project 143; sample was limited to non-U.S. citizen, male heads of households who worked during their most recent trip to the United States when above the age of 16, from 1987 to 2011.

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