The teacher weekly wage penalty is greater than 20% in 21 states and D.C. : Teacher weekly wage penalty, by state, pooled data from 2014–2018
State | Weekly wage penalty |
Arizona | -32.6% |
Washington | -31.6% |
Virginia | -31.3% |
Colorado | -30.7% |
Oklahoma | -29.7% |
Missouri | -26.5% |
North Carolina | -26.5% |
Utah | -25.5% |
Georgia | -25.4% |
District of Columbia | -25.2% |
New Mexico | -24.9% |
Alabama | -24.2% |
Kentucky | -23.6% |
Oregon | -23.1% |
Maine | -22.6% |
Texas | -22.5% |
Tennessee | -22.1% |
Louisiana | -22.0% |
Minnesota | -21.6% |
Kansas | -21.2% |
Indiana | -20.6% |
Idaho | -20.3% |
United States | -19.8% |
Florida | -19.7% |
New Hampshire | -19.6% |
Michigan | -19.5% |
West Virginia | -18.3% |
Massachusetts | -18.3% |
Nebraska | -18.2% |
South Carolina | -18.0% |
Wisconsin | -17.7% |
Nevada | -17.5% |
Iowa | -17.2% |
Arkansas | -17.1% |
California | -16.5% |
Ohio | -16.5% |
Illinois | -16.4% |
South Dakota | -14.2% |
Montana | -14.0% |
Connecticut | -13.6% |
Pennsylvania | -13.5% |
Mississippi | -12.8% |
New York | -12.2% |
Hawaii | -12.1% |
Alaska | -10.4% |
Delaware | -10.1% |
Vermont | -10.1% |
North Dakota | -8.7% |
Maryland | -8.2% |
New Jersey | -3.8% |
Rhode Island | -1.5% |
Wyoming | -0.2% |
Notes: Figure reports state-specific regression-adjusted teacher weekly wage penalties of public school teachers (elementary, middle, and secondary) relative to other college graduates within each state. Dependent variable is (log) weekly wages with indicator controls on public school teacher, private school teacher, gender, and married, along with indicator sets on education (M.A., professional degree, Ph.D.) and race/ethnicity (black, Hispanic, other); also included are age as a quartic and state fixed effects (see Appendices A and C for more detail).
Source: Authors’ analysis of pooled 2014–2018 Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group data