Percent of children living in various family structures, by family income, 2013

Family income*
Children under 18 Lower (below $30,000) Lower-middle (from $30,000 to $50,000) Middle (from $50,000 to $75,000) Upper-middle (from $75,000 to $100,000) Upper (over $100,000)
All** 27% 17% 17% 13% 27%
Living with both parents 16 15 18 16 36
Living with mother only 57 21 12 5 5
Living with never-married mother only 65 19 9 4 4

* Census does not report data corresponding to actual income quintiles. In 2013, the actual upper limits of the bottom four income quintiles were approximately $28,600, $51,400, $79,300, and $121,700.
** Does not include children in households where no parent lives.

Source: Census (2013)[33]

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