Most minimum wage studies find little-to-no effect on employment: Own-wage elasticities of employment from 21 minimum wage studies covering broad groups of low-wage workers

Most minimum wage studies find little-to-no effect on employment: Own-wage elasticities of employment from 21 minimum wage studies covering broad groups of low-wage workers

Note: The own-wage elasticity (OWE) of employment is the percent change in employment for a given percent change in the average wage due to a minimum wage increase. The OWE estimate ranges are “large negative” (less than -0.8), “medium negative” (greater than or equal to -0.8 but less than -0.4), “small negative” (greater than or equal to -0.4 but less than 0.0), and “positive” (greater than or equal to 0.0).

Source: All published studies covering the "overall workforce" from Arindrajit Dube and Ben Zipperer (2024), Minimum wage own-wage elasticity repository, Version 1.0.0.


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