13 states will raise their minimum wage to account for price increases : 2023 minimum wage increase, type of increase, number of affected workers, and wage impacts by state
State | 2023 minimum wage | 2023 tipped minimum wage | Type of change | Type of change indicator | Size of increase | Size of tipped minimum wage increase | Number of workers affected | Share of workforce affected | Total change in wage bill | Change in full-time worker average annual wages |
Alabama | ||||||||||
Alaska | $10.85 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.51 | 16,500 | 5.7% | $7,777,000 | $470 | ||
Arizona | $13.85 | $10.85 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.05 | $1.05 | 439,100 | 14.7% | $340,896,000 | $776 |
Arkansas | ||||||||||
California | $15.50 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.50 | 3,223,400 | 18.9% | $1,660,154,000 | $515 | ||
Colorado | $13.65 | $10.63 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.09 | $1.09 | 299,300 | 10.8% | $230,227,000 | $769 |
Connecticut | ||||||||||
Delaware | $11.75 | $2.23 | Legislation | 2 | $1.25 | $0.00 | 50,600 | 11.9% | $47,431,000 | $937 |
Washington D.C. | $16.10 | $6.00 | Ballot measure | 3 | $0.00 | $0.65 | 12,200 | 1.5% | $7,327,000 | $599 |
Florida | $11.00 | $7.98 | Ballot measure | 3 | $1.00 | $1.00 | 987,000 | 11.0% | $754,249,000 | $764 |
Georgia | ||||||||||
Hawaii | $12.00 | $11.00 | Legislation | 2 | $1.90 | $0.90 | 82,100 | 13.9% | $69,006,000 | $841 |
Idaho | ||||||||||
Illinois | $13.00 | $7.80 | Legislation | 2 | $1.00 | $0.60 | 510,400 | 8.9% | $355,561,000 | $697 |
Indiana | ||||||||||
Iowa | ||||||||||
Kansas | ||||||||||
Kentucky | ||||||||||
Louisiana | ||||||||||
Maine | $13.80 | $6.90 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.05 | $0.52 | 79,800 | 14.2% | $47,752,000 | $598 |
Maryland | $13.25 | $3.63 | Legislation | 2 | $0.75 | $0.00 | 151,300 | 6.3% | $76,989,000 | $509 |
Massachusetts | $15.00 | $6.75 | Legislation | 2 | $0.75 | $0.60 | 399,600 | 11.6% | $263,293,000 | $659 |
Michigan | $10.10 | $3.84 | Legislation | 2 | $0.23 | $0.09 | 273,500 | 6.3% | $40,898,000 | $150 |
Minnesota | $10.59 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.26 | 73,100 | 2.8% | $13,651,000 | $187 | ||
Mississippi | ||||||||||
Missouri | $12.00 | $6.00 | Ballot measure | 3 | $0.85 | $0.42 | 341,700 | 13.6% | $208,919,000 | $611 |
Montana | $9.95 | $9.95 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.75 | $0.75 | 35,800 | 8.1% | $17,465,000 | $488 |
Nebraska | $10.50 | $2.13 | Ballot measure | 3 | $1.50 | $0.00 | 55,900 | 6.4% | $32,559,000 | $583 |
Nevada | ||||||||||
New Hampshire | ||||||||||
New Jersey | $14.13 | $5.26 | Legislation / Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.13 | $0.13 | 547,100 | 13.9% | $428,298,000 | $783 |
New Mexico | $12.00 | $3.00 | Legislation | 2 | $0.50 | $0.20 | 126,900 | 15.3% | $62,324,000 | $493 |
New York | $14.20 | $9.45 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.00 | $0.65 | 418,900 | 4.8% | $320,343,000 | $765 |
North Carolina | ||||||||||
North Dakota | ||||||||||
Ohio | $10.10 | $5.05 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.80 | $0.40 | 466,300 | 9.2% | $230,377,000 | $494 |
Oklahoma | ||||||||||
Oregon | ||||||||||
Pennsylvania | ||||||||||
Rhode Island | $13.00 | $3.89 | Legislation | 2 | $0.75 | $0.00 | 42,800 | 9.9% | $23,621,000 | $552 |
South Carolina | ||||||||||
South Dakota | $10.80 | $5.40 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.85 | $0.42 | 38,000 | 9.7% | $20,674,000 | $543 |
Tennessee | ||||||||||
Texas | ||||||||||
Utah | ||||||||||
Vermont | $13.18 | $6.59 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $0.63 | $0.31 | 31,500 | 10.9% | $16,065,000 | $510 |
Virginia | $12.00 | $2.13 | Legislation | 2 | $1.00 | $0.00 | 404,500 | 11.4% | $321,000,000 | $793 |
Washington | $15.74 | Inflation adjustment | 1 | $1.25 | 356,500 | 10.7% | $302,922,000 | $850 | ||
West Virginia | ||||||||||
Wisconsin | ||||||||||
Wyoming |
Notes: “Legislation” indicates that the new rate was established by the legislature. “Ballot measure” indicates the new rate was set by a ballot initiative passed by voters. “Inflation adjustment” indicates that the new rate was established by a formula, reflecting the change in prices over the preceding year. New Jersey increased their adjustment beyond the originally scheduled increase due to price increases. Florida and Hawaii increased their minimum wages in September and October 2022. New York's increase goes into effect 12/31/2022 and only impacts workers outside of New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties. Average annual wage increases are for full-time workers.
Source: EPI compilation of minimum wage data from state agency websites and state legislation. Estimated impacts produced by Economic Policy Institute Minimum Wage Simulation Model; see Technical Methodology by Dave Cooper, Zane Mokhiber, and Ben Zipperer.