Teacher weekly wage penalty, 95% confidence interval, sample size by state, pooled data from 2014–2018

95% confidence interval
State Estimated weekly wage penalty* Standard error t-statistic Low High Sample size
All U.S. states -19.8% 0.004 -49.5 -20.5% -19.1% 155,572
Alabama -24.2% 0.023 -10.7 -28.6% -19.8% 1,652
Alaska -10.4% 0.029 -3.6 -16.0% -4.8% 1,732
Arizona -32.6% 0.020 -16.6 -36.5% -28.8% 2,105
Arkansas -17.1% 0.023 -7.5 -21.6% -12.7% 1,718
California -16.5% 0.012 -13.7 -18.8% -14.1% 12,805
Colorado -30.7% 0.022 -13.8 -35.0% -26.3% 2,956
Connecticut -13.6% 0.025 -5.5 -18.4% -8.7% 2,297
Delaware -10.1% 0.027 -3.8 -15.4% -4.8% 1,771
District of Columbia -25.2% 0.026 -9.7 -30.2% -20.1% 7,472
Florida -19.7% 0.017 -11.2 -23.1% -16.2% 5,116
Georgia -25.4% 0.018 -14.0 -29.0% -21.9% 3,398
Hawaii -12.1% 0.025 -4.8 -17.1% -7.1% 1,783
Idaho -20.3% 0.026 -7.9 -25.4% -15.3% 1,956
Illinois -16.4% 0.019 -8.6 -20.2% -12.7% 5,174
Indiana -20.6% 0.023 -8.9 -25.1% -16.1% 2,283
Iowa -17.2% 0.025 -6.8 -22.2% -12.2% 1,892
Kansas -21.2% 0.030 -7.1 -27.0% -15.4% 2,324
Kentucky -23.6% 0.025 -9.3 -28.6% -18.7% 1,813
Louisiana -22.0% 0.023 -9.7 -26.4% -17.6% 2,171
Maine -22.6% 0.027 -8.4 -27.9% -17.3% 1,590
Maryland -8.2% 0.026 -3.2 -13.2% -3.1% 3,289
Massachusetts -18.3% 0.026 -7.1 -23.3% -13.3% 3,958
Michigan -19.5% 0.025 -7.7 -24.4% -14.5% 3,045
Minnesota -21.6% 0.022 -9.7 -26.0% -17.3% 3,067
Mississippi -12.8% 0.032 -3.9 -19.1% -6.4% 1,626
Missouri -26.5% 0.020 -13.1 -30.5% -22.6% 2,293
Montana -14.0% 0.024 -5.7 -18.8% -9.2% 2,545
Nebraska -18.2% 0.020 -9.1 -22.2% -14.3% 2,382
Nevada -17.5% 0.024 -7.2 -22.3% -12.7% 1,538
New Hampshire -19.6% 0.022 -8.8 -23.9% -15.2% 2,868
New Jersey -3.8% 0.029 -1.3 -9.4% 1.9% 3,851
New Mexico -24.9% 0.023 -10.9 -29.3% -20.4% 1,826
New York -12.2% 0.019 -6.2 -16.0% -8.4% 6,556
North Carolina -26.5% 0.024 -11.2 -31.1% -21.8% 3,024
North Dakota -8.7% 0.023 -3.8 -13.2% -4.2% 2,455
Ohio -16.5% 0.018 -9.1 -20.0% -13.0% 4,059
Oklahoma -29.7% 0.022 -13.7 -33.9% -25.4% 1,634
Oregon -23.1% 0.026 -9.0 -28.1% -18.0% 2,447
Pennsylvania -13.5% 0.021 -6.5 -17.5% -9.4% 4,635
Rhode Island -1.5% 0.034 -0.4 -8.2% 5.2% 1,670
South Carolina -18.0% 0.021 -8.5 -22.2% -13.9% 1,951
South Dakota -14.2% 0.031 -4.5 -20.3% -8.1% 1,779
Tennessee -22.1% 0.021 -10.8 -26.1% -18.1% 2,324
Texas -22.5% 0.012 -18.4 -24.9% -20.1% 8,463
Utah -25.5% 0.021 -12.4 -29.5% -21.4% 2,288
Vermont -10.1% 0.024 -4.2 -14.8% -5.4% 2,374
Virginia -31.3% 0.018 -17.5 -34.9% -27.8% 3,965
Washington -31.6% 0.016 -19.2 -34.8% -28.4% 3,415
West Virginia -18.3% 0.021 -8.7 -22.4% -14.2% 1,785
Wisconsin -17.7% 0.019 -9.2 -21.5% -13.9% 2,735
Wyoming -0.2% 0.027 -0.1 -5.4% 5.0% 1,717

Notes: State-specific teacher weekly wage penalties fit a linear regression of (log) weekly wage on a complete set of dummy variables for public school teacher interacted with state fixed effects. The state-specific weekly wage penalty is then the sum of the coefficient for being a public school teacher and the coefficient for the interaction with the particular state. To express the penalty in percentage points, we exponentiate the sum and subtract one. Regressions are weighted using CPS-ORG sample weights. BLS top-coded data are adjusted, by gender, assuming the distribution of weekly wages is Pareto. The regression model also includes a dummy for female; dummies for black, Hispanic, and other; age as a quartic; marital status; dummies for M.A., Ph.D., and professional degree; and state fixed effects. The model also controls separately for a complete set of interactions between the respondent’s state and whether the respondent is a private school teacher. The sample includes all wage and salary workers with a B.A. degree or higher, ages 18 to 64, who report working 35 or more hours a week, and who report hourly wages between $0.50 and $100 (in 1989 dollars).

Source: Authors’ analysis of pooled 2014–2018 Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group data

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