Search results for income inequality (1415)
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Profits and price inflation are indeed linked
Southern economic policies undermine job quality for auto workers: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Spotlight
Working America’s think tank: A history of the Economic Policy Institute
Flexible work: What workers, especially low-wage workers, really want and how best to provide it
Southern policymakers leave workers with lower wages and a fraying safety net: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part Three
The rise of the ‘union curious’: Support for unionization among America’s frontline workers
Tipping is a racist relic and a modern tool of economic oppression in the South: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Spotlight
Breaking down the South’s economic underperformance: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part Two
Understanding the impact of Alaska’s proposed $15 minimum wage
Tight labor markets are essential to reducing racial disparities and within the purview of the Fed’s dual mandate
The evolution of the Southern economic development strategy: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part One
A tight labor market and state minimum wage increases boosted low-end wage growth between 2019 and 2023
Economic performance is stronger when Democrats hold the White House
Unbalanced labor market power is what makes technology—including AI—threatening to workers: The best “AI policy” to protect workers is boosting their bargaining position
Fastest wage growth over the last four years among historically disadvantaged groups: Low-wage workers’ wages surged after decades of slow growth
Middle-out economics is good for workers, their families, and the broader economy
Statement for the record for U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on the retirement crisis
Major strike activity increased by 280% in 2023: Many workers still need policies that protect their right to strike
Data show anti-union ‘right-to-work’ laws damage state economies: As Michigan’s repeal takes effect, New Hampshire should continue to reject ‘right-to-work’ legislation
The economy isn’t sick right now—but it has chronic conditions that demand attention
Extending unemployment insurance to striking workers would cost little and encourage fair negotiations
Decline of labor unions weakens American democracy
News from EPI › Union membership levels increased in 2023 as the private sector saw gains and the public sector saw losses: Many more workers wanted to join a union, but couldn’t
Workers want unions, but the latest data point to obstacles in their path: Private-sector unionization rose by more than a quarter million in 2023, while unionization in state and local governments fell
EPI comments to the Office of the United States Trade Representative on the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement with respect to automotive goods
There’s no debate: Measurable income inequality has skyrocketed in recent decades
Labor unions and the defense of American democracy: The fight over ballot drop boxes during the 2022 midterm elections
Using tax policy to restrain CEO pay: Best practices and smart alternatives
If you must argue about the economy over Thanksgiving dinner, at least get the facts right
The strong labor market recovery has helped Hispanic workers, but the end of economic relief measures has worsened income and poverty disparities