Search results for childcare (92)
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EPI comment regarding DOL’s proposed information collection to update the National Database of Childcare Prices
There’s nothing radical about Elizabeth Warren’s proposal for universal childcare
News from EPI › Changes to childcare tax credit do nothing to improve Republican tax bill
News from EPI › A world of difference in childcare funding: US lags far behind developed world
Southern policymakers leave workers with lower wages and a fraying safety net: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part Three
Breaking down the South’s economic underperformance: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part Two
Alabama’s and Maryland’s similar Black unemployment rates mask major differences in labor market conditions
The evolution of the Southern economic development strategy: Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Part One
What constitutes a living wage?: A guide to using EPI’s Family Budget Calculator
The Economic Policy Institute’s Family Budget Calculator: Technical Documentation