How Uber driver wages and compensation rank relative to major urban market minimum wages, January 2018


City Wage
Atlanta $7.25
Austin 7.25
Dallas 7.25
Houston 7.25
Philadelphia 7.25
Miami 8.25
New Jersey 8.60
Uber wages 9.21 
Baltimore 9.25
Minneapolis 9.65
Denver 10.20
Phoenix 10.50
Uber discretionary compensation* 10.87
Boston 11.00
Chicago 11.00
Orange County 11.00
San Diego 11.50
Los Angeles 12.00
Washington, D.C. 12.50
New York City 13.00
San Francisco 14.00
Seattle 15.45

* Compensation after paying extra Social Security/Medicare tax of 7.65 percent paid by self-employed

Source: Table 2 in this report and EPI minimum wage tracker for January 2018

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